We provide on-demand allied health care professionals for you.

Allied health care staffing, on-demand!

Why partner with Allied Help

No need for the staffing agency headaches or the lengthy process of hiring. Our marketplace provides you with qualified, vetted workers – in real time.

Automate your administrative tasks, such as contract management, billing, and payment processing. Minimizing the administrative burden, and improving operational efficiency.

With Allied Help, you can book daily or contract jobs, and make your workforce as dynamic as your demand.

View work history and qualifications

Full transparency 24/7 and control over who’s on the job. View your roster to see updates in real time, and check worker profiles to view their work history, skills, and ratings from other health organizations.

Approve assingments and rate workers

Timesheets and payroll are handled straight through the Allied Help platform, so you can make edits if needed, or approve timesheets in one click. Our ratings system helps keep the ecosystem honest so you always know the quality of the professionals you’re getting.

Book vetted workers on-demand

When you create a booking, thousands of workers that fit your needs are immediately notified about the job, and can book it on the spot.

Workforce management has never been easier!

Let Us Help ⛑

Revolutionize your staffing needs and bring qualified health care professionals to your fingertips!